eg. Can you get STD from giving your partner a BJ?

Can giving a very short blowjob get STD?

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Hi, so I gave a blowjob to a man because he asked for it, but after giving it for like 1 minute or so, I stopped and he was alright with it. So are my chances of getting STDs high? Because it was only less than 1 minute or maybe a little more than 1 minute. I don’t know if he’s infected with STDs but he seemed clean, he brushed his teeth ( i know this because when we kissed it was minty fresh), and showered before we started. We didn’t do any anal stuffs, just oral sex.
But because the blowjob only lasted for less than a minute are the chances still as high?



January 21st, 2023 at 10:32 pm

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other types of infections can be spread through oral sex. This means that if someone is exposed to a partner who is infected, they can contract an STD in their mouth, throat, genitals, or rectum. The risk of getting an STD or spreading it to others through oral sex varies depending on the specific STD, the type of sexual activity, and the number of sexual acts performed.

It is important to note that:

- Giving oral sex to a partner who has a genital or anal/rectal STD can result in contracting an STD in the mouth or throat.

- Receiving oral sex from a partner who has a mouth or throat infection can result in contracting certain STDs in the genitals or genital area.

- It is possible to have more than one STD at the same time, such as in the throat and genitals.

- Some STDs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, and intestinal infections, can spread to other parts of the body if transmitted through oral sex.

- Oral sex involving the anus (or anilingus) can transmit hepatitis A and B.

- Many STDs do not have symptoms, so it is possible to spread them without knowing it. It is important to practice safe sex and get tested regularly to protect yourself and your partners.

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