eg. Can you get STD from giving your partner a BJ?

Can you still catch an std even if the man is wearing a condom?

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If i had sex with a man that already has an std but he wears a condom could i still catch it? Or even from kissing and hugging touching eachother could i still catch it?



January 17th, 2020 at 5:51 am

Hi there! It completely depends on the STD. Genital ulcer diseases such as syphilis (curable with antibiotics), HPV & HSV 1/2 are transmittable if the man is wearing a condom. It is good to know your partner and get tested often. ,Blessings <3

November 19th, 2015 at 8:30am

Depends on what kind of STD he had. HIV: Despite the potential for them to fail, it is still far far safer to use a condom than not to use one. “They do not provide 100 percent protection, but for people who are sexually active they are the best and the only method we have for preventing these diseases,” (Heather Boonstra, a public policy official with the Alan Guttmacher Institute). "Using a latex condom to prevent transmission of HIV is more than 10,000 times safer than not using a condom." (cuts the risk by about 80%) and let’s face it, although other stds are bad, HIV is the worst

May 26th, 2021 at 8:20am

You can get STDs from kissing. Not a high chance but if there is a cut in your mouth, or even if you brushed your teeth within a few hours germs can get in.

You can’t get them from just touching or hugging.
STDs are SEXUALLY transmitted diseases.

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