eg. How do you approach an STD test with a new partner?

How does one get an STD?

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My boyfriend and I are STD free but we perfrom oral on each other. Is it possible to get an STD? How do they start? Sorry if this is a silly question!



March 4th, 2016 at 10:26 pm

STD or simply put Sexually Transmitted Disease. Is almost always transmitted by sexual contact, this can be oral, vaginal or anal . however it can also be transmitted by blood or bites. For example: sharing needles, a person biting you who has an std.

July 29th, 2015 at 9:35am

If you are both STD free, then there is no chance of getting an STD through unprotected sex or oral sex. However if your boyfriend is lying, then there is a chance of getting an STD through the above. If you are going to have sex, use protection.

February 11th, 2019 at 12:47pm

STDs are spread from one person who already has it to another. You can’t contract an STD if neither of you have one.

October 19th, 2021 at 2:04pm

You’re not likely to get an std if neither of you have an std to begin with. They are not created out of thin air. They are passed through body fluids and having skin contact with your partners genitals during intercourse or oral sex. Just keep an eye out for cold sores. They are a very common infection to have. You can get cold sores with out having sex but they can be passed from the mouth to the genitals, if oral sex is given while you or your partner has a cold sore. It’s safer to have oral sex when there are no signs or symptoms of a cold sore.

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