eg. What are ways to avoid getting all types of STD?

How to beget a child with your girlfriend when you have a STD?

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When you have a STD, you could use a condom for protecting your girlfriend.

But what should you do, when you want beget a child with her?



May 26th, 2017 at 11:02 pm

It varies, depending on the STD that you have. Some STDs are curable and some are not. Take care of that situation first and then speak with a doctor regarding having children.

November 1st, 2019 at 3:19pm

Artificial insemination Your sperm to fertilize her egg.

November 4th, 2020 at 12:57am

You should talk to her about this, the fact that you want children and that you want to have kids with her. If she really loves you then she wouldn’t care about contracting your std. If your std is curable and you have been treated for it then you shouldn’t have problems with passing it. You should also know that some stds can be passed genetically. You can try Invetro fertilization if you don’t want to take any chances. You are putting her at risk if you poke a whole in the condom.

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