eg. How do you approach an STD test with a new partner?

I had unprotected sex recently. About 5 days later I had two sore hair follicles, one on each side of the base of my penis. I did squeeze one and a little pus came out. They were painful but had a long pubic hair in the middle of each one. They scabbed and healed. In the time before I noticed them I also had a vigorous shared mutual masturbation session with her. So a day after I noticed the hair follicles I noticed I had a painful small raw spot on the sensitive skin just below the head of my penis on the underside. I put lotrimin on that spot for a couple of days and it disappeared. But of course I’ve been on google ever since spinning out scared that it’s herpes. Even though nothing looked like a blister and no cluster. Plus these issues were in three different areas on my penis. Any thoughts? Thank you

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Freaking myself out about possible herpes



December 14th, 2022 at 8:35 am

It is unlikely that you have herpes, as herpes typically presents as clusters of blisters or sores. The sore hair follicles and the raw spot on the underside of your penis could be caused by a variety of things, such as friction from the shared mutual masturbation session, an ingrown hair, or a bacterial or fungal infection.

To be sure, it is best to visit your doctor for an examination and testing. Your doctor can also provide you with information about how to reduce your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection in the future.

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