eg. Can you get STD from giving your partner a BJ?

Is there a STD that can cause you to have to have your genitals amputated?

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I don’t need some bullshit answer, I just wanna know if there’s some type of STD that if you get it, and it goes untreated for so long then you have to have your genitals amputated xD and if so what kind would it be?



August 17th, 2019 at 2:05 pm

Nothing ‘directly’, but there are some types of HPV which in rare cases, untreated, can trigger development of cancer of the glans penis – which may require partial or complete removal. It depends on the spread and entent of the cancerous cells.

Other cancers can affect the genitals and in some cases will require removal of tissue in these areas. This is thankfully a very rarely occuring medical incident, but it does happen.

December 28th, 2013 at 7:45am

Blue waffle.

December 18th, 2015 at 7:40am

When we read questions like this, we have to wonder why on Earth you would ask it. Any STD is going to do damage. Some are just annoying, like herpes, which rarely have effects more severe than blisters and sometimes scarring, (although in extreme cases, it can leave you sterile,) and others can be deadly, like HIV or syphilis. Almost every disease, if left untreated, can result in secondary infections which can damage a body part far enough to require amputation. As for the disease itself, the only one I know of that usually requires amputation is cancer. Penile and cervical cancer can be triggered by the HPV (human Papilloma Virus) but there’s no STD (that I’m aware of) that causes testicular cancer. Cancer of the scrotum has been relatively high among chimney sweeps, due to exposure to soot, although this is not really an STD.

December 23rd, 2018 at 6:51am

The only possibly infection that could cause genitalia removal is “Blue Waffle”.

February 4th, 2019 at 8:32am

Yes. Right off the top of my head I think of genital warts, they can become cancer, and if not treated in a timely manner, require amputation for cure/treatment.

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